Meeting to consider SB 385, SB 668 and HB 649

Senate Aging and Youth Committee

Tuesday, June 8, 2021 | 11:30 a.m.

Senate Chamber (and Virtual Participation)

Senate Bill 385 (Brooks) – Amends the Fiscal Code by establishing a grant program within the Department of Human Services utilizing federal stimulus dollars ($3 million) to improve indoor air management strategies to reduce the risk of transmission and occupant exposure to COVID-19. The intent/goal of the program is to improve HVAC systems in Long-Term Care Facilities.

  • Amendment A01421 (J. Ward). The amendment would place the grant program under the Commonwealth Financing Authority ($5 million), set forth guidelines, program requirements, grant limits, ineligibility and define long-term care facilities.

Senate Bill 668 (J. Ward and Collett) – Amends the PACENET program under the Lottery Law to expand PACENET eligibility; eliminate monthly premiums on PACENET claimants; and provide discretion to the department to enroll PACENET claimants in a Medicare Part D plan.

House Bill 649 (Rapp), Freestanding act providing for the designation of essential caregivers in congregate care facilities.

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